
Put it in its place oblivion
Put it in its place oblivion

It isn't just transferring game data into a new engine, though. You also get access to Luciana Galena, a fence in Bravil with 1,000 gold available for bartering.By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's She rewards you with 300 gold and a promotion to the Catburglar rank. Go back to S'krivva to tell her of your accomplishments. Once you look at the chest the staff will automatically be placed inside. We went at roughly 8 PM where we found an empty home and no trouble completing the task. You'll have to wait until he isn't home and then pick the hard lock that protects his house as well as the average lock that blocks entrance to his room. You are tasked with returning the staff you just stole! Rather than bring it back to the University where you would be most likely killed, you need to put it into a chest in Ontus Vanin's home. It seems that the Thieves Guild doesn't want to make waves with the Mages. You're not quite done with the quest yet. Go back and let Methredhel know the good news. After this happens, he orders everyone back to their posts. Just when you find him, a Dremora shows up and delivers a note to him. Lex can be found down in the slums of the Waterfront.

put it in its place oblivion

When Lex gives the order for everyone to return to their original posts, you need to go back and let Methredhel know. He tells you to go to the Waterfront and keep an eye on Lex. When you have everything you want, head back to Methredhel. There is plenty of stuff to steal here, including more rare Nirnroot. Activate the nightstand and you'll automatically place the note inside. Although the nightstand is locked you will be able to put the note inside. Next, you need to plant the note in the nightstand. Go up to the top floor and grab the staff off of the dresser. The only way up is to use the purple lift nearby, so take it. Pick the very hard lock and you'll be rewarded with 2 charged Grand Soul Gems and 1 empty Grand Soul Gem. In the opening room, you'll notice that there is a display case with some soul gems inside. Go to the Arcane University while the Archmage is sleeping between 1 AM and 7 AM. Your target is Hrormir's staff which is located in the Archmage's room at the Arcane University and leave a note in its place. The plan is to stage a series of high profile thefts in an attempt to force the guards to be reassigned to new locations.

put it in its place oblivion

They'll send you to Dynari Amnis' House in the Talos Plaza district. Travel to the Imperial City and talk with one of the beggars for information.

put it in its place oblivion put it in its place oblivion

Your first objective is to find Methredhel who is hiding out in the Imperial City. Apparently he has pulled guards from all over the Imperial City to the Waterfront in an attempt to flush out Gray Fox. Once you have fenced 300 gold worth of stolen items, S'krivva will offer you the next quest.

Put it in its place oblivion